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Keeping Hives in Suburban Auckland

We’ve had some questions about keeping hives in suburban Auckland and what is required to do this.

There are some guidelines, mostly issued by Auckland Council that give direction on what people need to do to keep hives in a suburban area:

1. Keeping bees in Auckland requires you to comply with some simple guidelines. These are straightforward and really common sense beekeeping.…/Pages/manage-your-bee…

2. If you want to keep bees in a public space you’ll need a license…/check-if-you-need-a-l…

3. Regardless of where your hive is, you need to register your hive…/register-your-apiary.…

If you’re looking to keep bees then we highly recommend joining a club such as the Auckland Beekeepers Club and attending a course that the club provides or other organisations such as Kaipatiki Project provide. Or consider renting from Beezthingz Limited and let the professionals look after the colony in your backyard.

Other areas in New Zealand have different guidelines and by-laws regarding keeping bees in suburban areas. Consult your local council for information on their policy for keeping bees in suburban areas.

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