Call now 0274792767 (0274 swarms)

Bee Clubs in New Zealand

Bee Swarm mainly concentrates the collection of swarms in the Auckland Area. If you have a swarms outside Auckland then you need to talk to your local bee keeping club. Most clubs have swarm catching teams that will be able to assist you if you have a swarm.

Alternatively, there is a map from Ecrotek, a bee keeping supplier. Click here for the Ecrotek bee club map

A list of bee clubs is also available at the Apiculture New Zealand website. Click here for a list of bee clubs in NZ.

We remove swarms for free, fast and safely. Swarms are rehoused into hives and treated for varroa mite. They are normally then kept under observation for a few weeks to ensure that the hive is healthy and the queen is laying. Swarms are donated to schools, new beekeepers, or sold to help pay for running this site and covering collection expenses.

We are all experienced in the art of swarm collecting and are DECA qualified.

Follow us on Facebook . Check us out on Google . See our YouTube channel.

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